Quality is the root of our business.
About Us
Romeiro’s Landscaping is known for its outstanding work and high quality of service. With quality at the root of our business, we have been rated as one of the leaders in the region’s commercial landscape industry. For almost three decades we have built our impressive reputation as a reliable company who is always evolving and growing.
Our Services
Landscape Management
Romeiro’s Landscaping works with our customers to create a unique and personalized landscape maintenance program to fit their individual needs. We work with our client’s plans to ensure that all needs and goals are achieved within their budget.
Turf Management
Romeiro’s Landscaping helps our customers manage their turf to protect its value and create a weed free lush green lawn. We partner with our clients to preserve the beauty of their lawns. Our comprehensive approach, based on experience ensures an approach that will benefit your property for years to come.
Romeiro’s Landscaping provides expert advice and service to keep your irrigation system performing at its peak. A well-designed, maintained, and calibrated system provides the best results without costly overwatering.
Express Blower
Romeiro’s Landscaping owns a state of the art TM-45 Express Blower. This equipment allows us to apply 20-70 cubic yards of mulch per hour versus 8 cubic yards per hour by hand. This Express Blower is designed and built to efficiently apply soils, mulches, compost, sand, aggregate, erosion control, and wood chips.
Our Green Program
Romeiro’s Landscaping works to do whatever we can to preserve the environment every day. This includes cutting back on our use of harmful chemicals, emitting less carbon emissions, and so much more. That’s why we extend the offer to our customers to take the green approach to lawn care.
Join Our Team
Join our team of hard working and dedicated individuals.